
Five Creative Ways To Recycle At Home

By AWD Digital

Recycling metal can come in many shapes and forms in Melbourne. Apart from selling your scrap metal to be taken away, you can also do some recycling yourself at home with some practical results. It probably never occurred to you that you can create some fun, art décor things with your spare scrap metal and other recyclable materials. These can either have practical uses or just simply be a nice artistic touch to spruce up your house design.

Oil Drum Furniture Recycling

1.    Sculptures

Metal sculptures area great way to recycle your spare metal and a fun way as well. You can make statues and sculptures out of virtually any type of metal. Some might be a little harder than others and may require some extra tools – harder metals may need to be heated so they can be bent and re-shaped for example – but for lighter ones such as copper and aluminium it can be a very easy process and you can finish with some great looking pieces of art.

This process of recycling metal is a great one and the sculptures can be made on any scale. If you get ambitious enough you can even create a sculpture that houses some small plants on top of it or on multi-levels depending on what shape you create. It’s a sure way to grab the attention of your neighbours or guests.


2.    Wall murals

This is probably going to sound like the sort of thing that you’d find in an art gallery, and that’s exactly what it’s meant to be. Soda cans, chicken wire, plastics, pretty much most types of recyclable material can be used in this project, which is creating a mural piece that can be hung up on a wall as a feature piece. Using all these recyclable materials, you can overlap and layout in either a random or specific design of your choice. You could create a peacock and their feathers out of multi-coloured, flattened soda cans, or some old fencing – like chicken wire – to create a picturesque Eiffel tower landscape.


3.    Creating garden fences

If you want to give your garden a bit more of a rustic look, then you can repurpose some old metal or other recyclable materials and create a fun looking fence to separate your flowerbed from the rest of your garden. Here are some fun ideas on how to go about this:

  • If you happen to have thin metal sheets or something similar you can dig up the ground in front of the flowerbed and bury half of it and let the other half stick out, creating the barrier. You can also spray-paint or take a permanent marker to the metal to colour it/draw a design on it. This is a great and practical way for recycling metal in Melbourne.
  • If you collect small, glass bottles you can time them together with some sturdy string or wire and wrap them around your garden. It is best to have the base of these buried under the soil with some dirt put into the bottom of the bottle to help anchor it down.


4.    Repurposing bottles

We just mentioned how you can use smaller glass bottles to create a little flowerbed border, but what about larger bottles? Other than the basic storage uses such as reusing them for oil or other liquids in the kitchen, you can also use them as vases, candle holders (depending on how large the candles/bottle tops are) or even as little terrariums. Similarly, you can create little landscapes with sand, rocks and miniature figurines and place them around your home. Adding small LED lights into different coloured bottles as well can be a great night time feature for inside or even outside your house as well.


5.    Ideas for kids

Recycling around the house doesn’t just have to be for cool and swanky art décor purposes, but can also be for the kids, by the kids, as well. Egg cartons can be used to store small toys or used in artwork, old shoeboxes can be turned into little Japanese rock gardens – with a bit of tape to seal the cracks in the box.


Metal recycling solutions in Melbourne

If you do need help getting rid of excess scrap metal, Metal Men Recycling can come to your home or business and pay you to get rid of any unwanted scrap metal you may have.

If you would like to know more about our services or would like some more information/ideas on how to repurpose/recycle at home then please contact us at 03 5941 6677 or send us a message through our website.

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Find us at: 18 Drovers Place, Pakenham VIC 3810