
Metal Men’s Guide to Household Recycling

By AWD Digital

Most Australian households have a designated recycling bin provided by their local council, which makes recycling easier than ever, however it’s important to know which items to put in this bin, which items need to be dropped off at/picked up by special collectors, and which belong with the rest of the rubbish. In this blog, we provide a few handy tips that will help you recycle more efficiently and effectively.

What can be recycled?

There are many different materials that can be recycled using your kerbside recycling bin, including glass (think wine and other drink bottles, jars, old pharmaceutical bottles etc.), hard plastic (takeaway food containers, empty toiletry bottles and jars, empty cleaning product bottles, milk bottles, yoghurt and ice cream tubs) and paper and cardboard (including cereal boxes, biscuit boxes, egg cartons, scrap office paper, old notebooks etc.). Metal items (such as aluminium cans, aerosols, baked bean and other food cans, pet food cans, alfoil etc.) can also be recycled, however you may want to collect these items separately so that they can be taken to your local scrap metal dealer, as this is a fantastic way to earn some extra cash while doing your bit for the environment.

What should be kept out?

Recyclables don’t have to be spotless before they’re put in the recycling bin, however it’s important to make an effort to remove the bulk of food scraps. Refrain from bagging your recyclables, as plastic bags cannot be recycled and could result in your recycling being lumped in with the rest of the landfill. There are also various recyclable items that have their own specific collection programs/centres. Green waste has its own kerbside collection dates, along with drop-off centres, depending on your council, as does eWaste (old electronics like phones, TVs and computers), old furniture and other household items, and waste construction materials like timber, bricks and rubble. For items that are still in good condition, consider donating to your local op-shop or holding a garage sale.

What about scrap metal?

As mentioned earlier, small household metal items can be exchanged for cash at your local scrap metal dealer. In addition to these items, other forms of scrap metal like old car parts (including batteries), copper wiring, copper and/or brass piping, door fittings and whitegoods can also be sold to reputable scrap metal dealers.

By implementing an organised recycling system at home, you’ll not only be doing your bit for the environment, but you’ll also create the opportunity to earn some extra pocket money. Metal Men Recycling accept all kinds of scrap metal and even offer a 24 hour pickup service for larger items.

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Find us at: 18 Drovers Place, Pakenham VIC 3810